Please practice social distancing when visiting our Red Hot Cod store. It’s the rules, folks.
We have only limited seating available at the best of times so takeaway is still the best option until the COVIDF-19 restrictions lift.
There is ample waiting space where we can all gather 1.5m apart and chat while we wait for our meals.
The smart ones are actually phoning their order through and then swinging by to collect, minimising their contact.
For the record, Red Hot Cod are obsessed with cleaning and hygiene.
- We’re fiends for hand-washing, so the new protocols are fine by us.
- We wipe down the shop surfaces as often as we can to ensure everyone stays safe.
- Every cup and plate you get is yours, so no risk there.
- And none of us has been infected by COVID-19.
Stay safe and stay healthy. It looks like restrictions – and therefore risks – are easing but we don;t want to go through all this shit again, so be sensible folks.